L’Istituto & English version

Il Liceo Scientifico Giuseppe Tarantino di Gravina di Puglia (BA), sorto nei primi anni Sessanta, si configura come istituto statale autonomo dal 1969. Rispondendo ai bisogni formativi e culturali del territorio, ha visto nel corso degli anni progressivamente aumentare i suoi iscritti. Oggi l’istituto dispone di un’ampia sede centrale, dotata di strutture e attrezzature adeguate al regolare svolgimento dell’attività didattica: aule spaziose, palestra, laboratori di informatica, di fisica, di scienze. Nelle vicinanze del plesso principale è stata attivata una succursale per rispondere ai problemi di accoglienza dell’accresciuta popolazione scolastica.

Significative innovazioni sono state avviate sin dagli anni ottanta con sperimentazioni parziali del tipo autonomo (introduzione in alcuni corsi della seconda lingua straniera) e di tipo assistito (matematica secondo il piano nazionale informatico e fisica nel biennio).


Nel 1989 una sperimentazione ad indirizzo linguistico ha preparato la scuola ad accogliere i Programmi Brocca, redatti nel 1990 allo scopo di svecchiare la scuola secondaria superiore. A cominciare dall’anno scolastico 1994 - 95 sono stati così istituiti i corsi sperimentali Brocca ad indirizzo linguistico, classico e scientifico-tecnologico. Dopo l'ultima riforma dei Licei l'Isituto comprende un Liceo Scientifico, un Liceo delle Scienze Applicate, un Liceo Linguistico, Un Liceo Classico e, di ultimissima acquisizione, un Liceo Musicale.

Il Liceo si distingue per progetti educativi ed iniziative culturali, volti a potenziare l’offerta formativa con esperienze di coinvolgimento reale degli studenti sia all’interno della scuola che fuori di essa.

il Dirigente scolastico del Liceo G. Tarantino
Preside prof. Berardo Guglielmi


Liceo Scientifico "Giuseppe Tarantino" is located in Gravina in Puglia (BA).
It was established at the beginning of 1960 and it was recognized by the Ministry of Education in 1969.

The school has made a lot of efforts since the beginning to meet the needs of the community. That is why it counts an ever increasing number of pupils.

The school is located in a comfortable and large building, it has very good facilities : large classrooms, an indoor gym, science, physics, language and computer labs.

There are some more classrooms located in a nearby building to provide room for the growing number of students.

Since the 80's experimentations have been introduced to update the curricula - second foreign language, the new maths syllabus and physics in the first two years of study.

In 1990 the Programmi Brocca, whose aim was to update the Italian High School system, were introduced. Liceo Tarantino in 1994 adopted the new syllabus and since then new experimental branches have been offered to the students: Classical Studies, Modern Languages and Science and Technology.

Liceo Tarantino has established a reputation for the numerous projects and cultural events which have involved not only the students and the teachers but also the local community.

Liceo Scientifico Ordinario lasts five years.

It was the first course of study to be offered to the students. It has gained a good reputation and it gives the students a very good cultural input through a balanced mix of humanistic and scientific subjects.

At the end of the fifth year students have to pass a State Exam to get the Diploma di Maturità Scientifica which gives access to any University Faculty.

Students following this course attend 27-28 hours per week throughout the five years. (see timetable).

Liceo Classico lasts five years.

The subjects which characterize this course of study are Greek and Latin. However importance is given also to subjects such as Maths , Computer Studies, English, Economics and Law.

At the end of the fifth year students have to pass a State Exam to get the Diploma in Classical Studies which gives access to any University Faculty.

Students following this course attend 34 hours per week throughout the five years. (see timetable).

Liceo Linguistico lasts five years.

The students attending this course study not only modern languages ( English, French and German) but also scientific and humanistic subjects.

At the end of the fifth year students have to pass a State Exam to get the Diploma in Modern Languages which gives access to any University Faculty.

Mother tongue teachers helps the language teachers during the conversation classes. Students following this course attend 34 hours per week in the first two years and 35 in the following three years (see timetable).

Liceo Scienze Applicate lasts five years.

Students following this course get a very good basic preparation which focuses mostly on scientific and technological subjects. Great importance is given to subjects such as English, drawing, computer studies, chemistry, science, maths along with humanistic subjects such as Italian literature and philosophy.

At the end of the fifth year students have to pass a State Exam to get the Diploma di Maturità Scientifica- Indirizzo Scientifico Tecnologico which gives access to any University Faculty.

Students following this course attend 34 hours per week throughout the five years. (see timetable).